
CafeOBJ 1.6.0 released

We have released a new version of CafeOBJ, which incorporates the following changes: CITP is officially renamed to PTcalc documents are not updated yet PTcalc (CITP) enhancements :init defined by :def is evaluated in the proof node to which it is applied :init can be without substitution Search predicate enhancements […]

CafeOBJ 1.5.9 released

We have released a new version of CafeOBJ, which incorporates the following changes: improved memoization higher heap allocation on 64bit systems fixes to .cafeobj file handling new switch ‘show every finding’ optimization fixes and dead code removal Please see the download page for the source release, binary packages, and installation […]

CafeOBJ 1.5.8 released

We have released a new version of CafeOBJ, which incorporates new commands and fixes for CITP. Please see the download page for the source release, binary packages, and installation instructions. For the moment Windows builds are only available based on Allegro CL due to incompatibilities between Windows SBCL and CafeOBJ. […]

CafeOBJ 1.5.7 released

We have released a new version of CafeOBJ, which incorporates mostly fixes for CITP as well as updates to work with newer versions of SBCL. Please see the download page for the source release, binary packages, and installation instructions. For the moment Windows builds are only available based on Allegro […]

CafeOBJ 1.5.5 released

We have released a new version of CafeOBJ, which incorporates besides other fixes the following changes: Enhancemets of a family of Bool term inspector commands: binspect [ in : <Modexpr> ] <bool-term> . converts given <bool-term> into abstracted xor-and normal form bshow [ tree | grind ] shows abstracted Bool […]

CafeOBJ 1.5.4 released

We have released a new version of CafeOBJ, which incorporates besides other fixes the following changes: CITP changes new commands :ctf- and :csp- new command :def(ine) to turn :ctf(-) and :csp(-) into proper tactics for :apply new tactics nf, ct improvements in the online help system bug fixes in AC […]

Getting CafeOBJ via MacPorts

I have finally finished the Portfile for CafeOBJ, which allows users to install CafeOBJ via the usual port command of MacPorts. For one needs to add our local source (which only ships CafeOBJ port), but I hope to get the port into the standard distribution soon. Necessary steps: Add the […]

CafeOBJ 1.5.3 released 1

We have released a new version of CafeOBJ, which incorporates besides other fixes the following changes: interpreter functions ‘describe module tree’ (new) – prints out module importing structure ‘show modules’ – does not print out hidden modules new abbreviations: tr, ctr, pd, pds, bpd, bpds (for trans, ctrans, pred, preds, […]

CafeOBJ 1.5.2 released

We have released a new version of CafeOBJ. It includes fixes to the wrapper on Unix/Mac so that it can deal with spaces in paths. Furthermore, the ls command is now supported on Windows (but not on UNC path). The binary builds for 1.5.1 contain already all the fixes, so […]

CafeOBJ 1.5.1 released

We have released a new version of CafeOBJ. The only fix included in this point release is support for UNC path on Windows. Furthermore, we now provide experimental SBCL based Windows builds. Please see the download page for the new releases.