We have released a new version of CafeOBJ, which incorporates besides other fixes the following changes:
- CITP changes
- new commands :ctf- and :csp-
- new command :def(ine) to turn :ctf(-) and :csp(-) into proper tactics for :apply
- new tactics nf, ct
- improvements in the online help system
- bug fixes in AC rewriting
- small changes in the set of abbreviations of the Emacs mode
- module system: require/provide can use Perl style :: separators to load modules from the libpath and its sub-directories
- term inspection (binspect) to analyze xor terms
Please see the download page for the source release, binary packages, and installation instructions.
CafeOBJ 1.5.4 has already been uploaded to Debian, see http://packages.debian.org/cafeobj. The MacPort is also updated.
Please report bugs to our bug tracker.